Tonga Punch

This is the first rum drink that Trader Vic ever offered on his menu … and its still good enough to keep around all these years later!


  • 2 oz Light Puerto Rican Rum
  • 3/4 oz Fresh Lemon Juice
  • 1/2 oz Fresh Lime Juice
  • 1 1/2 oz Fresh Orange Juice
  • 1/4 oz Grenadine
  • 1/2 oz Orange Curacao

Place the ingredients in a high speed blender or use a cup with a malt mixer … I use an immersion blender.  Add crushed ice and flash blend just enough to mix the ingredients.

Pour into a 14 oz Chimney Glass.  Garnish with some mint or an edible flower and a stir stick.

Where did I find it?  Be aware that Spike says you need Orgeat Syrup but he means Orange Curacao.