HSSKC: No Monkey Is An Island But Some Are Peninsulas

I floated up on shore clinging to the only piece of debris large enough to float a man a few miles in a great big ocean.  The charge I had place on the BACARDI agents boat worked well … too well.  Apparently the explosive I had been given by Don Q (our agencies man who makes gadgets) was a little too aggressive & it took out my escape craft in the process.  So here I was coming ashore on the southern tip of some island in a foggy sea with no real sense of where I am or what I will do to get back.  Once on solid ground I sat alone for many days, just a monkey and his thoughts, trying to do the best to figure a way out of this mess.  Of course I did all of the routine things … make fire … catch fish … juice pineapples.  I mean, you have to juice pineapples to mix with the rum I was distilling from the local sugar cane.  In some ways I had everything I needed but there was still something missing.  Of course it was other people.  I craved the human contact in this forced loneliness, but how could I find people if I was on an island?

One day, after what must have been a few weeks, I was sitting on the shore trying to figure out what to do about my scuba mask.  It kept fogging every time I looked to the north.  I guess the cool air blowing from that direction must have had something to do with it.  It was a terrible inconvenience.  I could get all kinds of things done when I was moving East, West and South.  Only North was a problem.  For that reason I didn’t really get to explore the island completely.

Oh … I get it … your asking yourself, “Why is Fez still wearing his scuba mask?”.  I’ll tell you why … Don Q told me before I left headquarters that the scuba mask was the difference between life and death on this mission.  Without it my life would be at risk and many people might die because of the mission’s failure.  I had to keep the mask on, didn’t I?  I mean, it’s what I was told to do.  It’s what I was told to do … it’s … wait a minute.  The mission is over!  I’ve already saved the people … I DON’T HAVE TO WEAR THE MASK ANY MORE!  So I took it off.  Cool air immediately caressed my face from the north and I took a long look in that direction.  You know what?  I wasn’t on an island at all, I was on a peninsula!  I started walking north and after just a few days I was finally back with people.  My loneliness was over all because I took the Scuba Mask off and made my way home without fear!  Fortunately I was able to memorialize the event with a drink known as A Lonely Island Lost In The Middle Of A Foggy Sea .