HSSKC: Looking for World Peace in Bahia

Have you ever had a bad time in Bahia, Brazil while partying at the world famous Carnival?  Not the cruise line … the annual celebration in Salvador that brings together flamboyantly costumed dancers with Samba and axe music for a massive street party.  You wouldn’t think it was possible but I guess it was one of those days!  You see, I wasn’t there for the fun, but rather for work.  That’s back when I was better know as “Fez … International Monkey of Mystery”.  That’s right … I was a SECRET AGENT and I had a mission to complete.

Having just paddle boarded across the Baia de Todos os Santos (All Saints Bay) I came ashore in my wetsuit , pulled a perfectly tailored tuxedo out of my dry bag, changed and headed into the thick of Carnival.  I was instructed to come up with the ingredients for a perfect cocktail.  One so good it could bring about world peace and harmony in troubled times  … a truly important mission!  I was thinking that some sort of Cachaca based drink might just be the key.  You see, much like rum, cachaca is made from the distillation of sugar cane, but in Brazil the spirit is made from fresh sugarcane juice that is fermented and distilled as opposed to being made from molasses (a byproduct of sugar refining) like Caribbean rum. I knew where my prize was located … getting to it was going to be the trick.  The best Cachaca in the world is not going to just be available for purchase.  I was going to have to earn it through hard trials and tribulations, cunning, and a little bit of luck.  So I set off to … !!! NOTE … DETAILS OF THIS STORY HAVE BEEN REDACTED FOR NATIONAL SECURITY PURPOSES !!! … and at last it was in my hand!  The world’s greatest Cachaca and a cocktail truly worthy of bringing about world peace and harmony.  The Bahia was born!