Fez Monkey

HSSKC: Do I Have To Choose?

Did I want to be tied to a pole in the middle of a jungle with a giant pot of water coming to a boil … oh yeah, and I’m going to be thrown in it.  ABSOLUTELY NOT!  But when Victor Bergeron, otherwise known as Trader Vic, tasks you with finding the last ingredient in…

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Mai Tai – Trader Vic’s 1944

Make no mistake, this is the REAL Mai Tai.  Anything with pineapple juice, anything red, anything that tastes sweet and sticky is not a Trader Vic’s Mai Tai.  Lesser bars will try to pass off these concoctions to you as the real thing but insist on the best, or better yet, make it yourself! Ingredients:…

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A Lonely Island Lost in the Middle of a Foggy Sea

This tiki cocktail recipe from Paul McGee of Chicago’s Three Dots and a Dash combines pineapple, coffee and three types of rum into one tasty concoction! Ingredients: 1.5 oz Rhum J.M. Agricole Blanc 1/2 oz Cruzan Black Strap Rum 1/2 oz Amrut Old Port Deluxe Matured Rum 1 oz Pineapple Juice 3/4 oz Fresh Lime…

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HSSKC: No Monkey Is An Island But Some Are Peninsulas

I floated up on shore clinging to the only piece of debris large enough to float a man a few miles in a great big ocean.  The charge I had place on the BACARDI agents boat worked well … too well.  Apparently the explosive I had been given by Don Q (our agencies man who…

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HSSKC: I Could Sure Use A Jet Pilot!

30,000 feet above planet Earth is no time to find out you are no longer amongst friends.  Its also no time to find out that chartered Flight 151 on Tikiyaki Airlines is turned decidedly towards the ground at a sharp angle of descent and that 30,000 foot number is getting smaller by the second. It’s…

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HSSKC: I Need To Stick My Hand In WHAT?”

Here we are again.  I’m 15 meters under water, I’m almost out of breath and my hand is stuck between two shell halves of an immense bivalve (that’s a giant oyster if you are not feeling like hitting google right now).  The things you will do for a great drink!

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HSSKC: Looking for World Peace in Bahia

Have you ever had a bad time in Bahia, Brazil while partying at the world famous Carnival?  Not the cruise line … the annual celebration in Salvador that brings together flamboyantly costumed dancers with Samba and axe music for a massive street party.  You wouldn’t think it was possible but I guess it was one…

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HSSKC: Beloved Founder’s Day

Beloved Founder, my origin story … It was a sunny and beautiful afternoon on the Big Island.  I believe it was August of 2001 and I was sitting on the lanai of a tropical bar, sipping a Mai Tai and looking at the base of a volcano through my binoculars in the hopes of finding…

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Cherry Bonzai

Sweet dark cherries with pineapple infused rum and homemade falernum are the highlights of the Cherry Bonzai.  A potent cocktail that is uncomplicated with ingredients that should be fairly easy to come by.   Ingredients: 1.5 oz Pineapple Infused Rum* 1 oz Over proof Dark Rum (Plantation Works Well) .75 oz Falernum 2 oz Pineapple…

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HSSKC: Coach Andy Reid Interview

This week we have a very special treat for you.  As we are all aware, one of the most well known Hawaiian Shirt aficionados in Kansas City is none other than Chief’s head football coach Andy Reid.  With the complete shut down of all sports in the world, the HSSKC had a unique opportunity to…

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