About Us

The Faces Behind The Mic


Fez Monkey

Show Host / Grand Poohba

We all have a purpose on this  planet.  A reason to interact with others and the environment around us.  A lens which not only colors, but focuses our actions in the world.  For Fez Monkey Adventures, that lens is Tiki.  A niche within a niche that’s part of a subculture that barely registers in the thoughts of most humans.  But that’s what I want to change.  I’m not saying that everybody should be wearing an Aloha Shirt or Smoking Jacket with Fez but everybody does need to grab a little piece of the whimsey and escapism that it represents and work it into their lives.  You would be amazed at how much perspective a well balance rum drink can provide!  Come and join us on the Fez Monkey Adventures.  Put your troubles from the work-a-day world behind you and let a little Tiki into your life.  Hello … I’m Fez Monkey and I’m BRINGING TIKI TO THE PEOPLE!


Occasional Contributor / Beloved Founder

What am I going to say, that I hate Hawaiian Shirts?  Impossible … I love them!  I mean, I am the Beloved Founder of the Hawaiian Shirt Society of Kansas City.  That should say it all.  I like the way they fit loose and casual.  Heck, I’m not afraid to say they feel good on the nipples.  I’m a comfortable, confident man who will stride pridefully into the world with as much floral sewn into fabric as a thread count can hold.  I also like cocktails and snarky conversation.  Tom Cruise had it wrong, it’s not “Cocktails and Dreams” … I go with “Cocktails and Sarcasm”!

What am I doing here on Fez Monkey Adventures?  I have no idea.  You tell me …

Slake McQuade

Peripheral Participant / House Musician

First of all Kansas isn’t that flat…but I-70 is pretty much a straight line.  There’s a thought! Ok…Slake McQuade.  What can I say?  I sleep with a pillow that has a slight dusting of violin rosin – left there from a sawing off a few tunes earlier in the evening.  I also draw and paint abstract pictures – well … usually abstract as they reflect the music that is in my headphones at the time which rarely translates into ‘The David’.  I compose and record music too. The music is based on riffs and grooves that I have rolling around up there, some of which has found homes in TV commercials, training films, and movies.  Creativity!  It’s all about that spark – then fleshing it out for human consumption.  Art and music have been upon me since the cradle.  Then much later in life I became an architect … which makes some sense looking back at playing with blocks on the living room floor.  Now as a grown person I do all three things and am thrilled to be a part of the podcast to offer what I can. It’s always actively chaotic between the ears, so I’m hopeful that Fez Monkey Adventures helps get some of that out to make room for more flambéed bread pudding.

Tiki Tu

Idea Man

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About Our Podcast

The FEZ MONKEY ADVENTURES Podcast is all about bringing TIKI to the PEOPLE!  We like to get together in the studio or get out on the road at events and bring the spirit of Mahalo to the masses but in places you might not expect to find it.  We share cocktails, we talk about stuff & we have a good time.  Sometimes good ‘ol Fez Monkey will be chatting with his co-hosts, sometimes it may be guests and sometimes he may just be babbling about things on his mind while refering to himself in the third person.  Is it always tiki chat?  No … but the tiki spirit (and by that I mean rum) will always be present!

Give us a listen.  Stick around if you dig it.  Like I said … we’re bringing TIKI to the PEOPLE!

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