HSSKC: Coach Andy Reid Interview

This week we have a very special treat for you.  As we are all aware, one of the most well known Hawaiian Shirt aficionados in Kansas City is none other than Chief’s head football coach Andy Reid.  With the complete shut down of all sports in the world, the HSSKC had a unique opportunity to pretend to speak to Coach Reid and provide for you a completely made up and fictitious account of what this journalist thinks the conversation might have gone like.  With that said, let’s get to the “interview”!

HSSKC:  Coach Reid, First let me just get off my chest what an honor it is to speak to the current World Champion of Hawaiian Shirt wearing citizens.  It must be so
gratifying that the many seasons of hard work have paid off and you sit alone on the mountain top (or should I say volcano top) of the Hawaiian Shirt wearing elite.

AR:  Well thank you Fez Monkey … do I call you Fez or Mr. Monkey?

HSSKC:  Fez is fine, no need to be formal within the confines of The Society.

AR:  Great!  Ok Fez …  Thank you, it does feel great.  But this victory is not just mine.  It takes an entire city of Hawaiian shirt wearers all proudly showing off their floral and working as team for me just to have this opportunity.  I mean, just imagine if we lived in a world where Hawaiian Shirts didn’t matter.  Where people were expected to dress like it was any other work day on Fridays.  I would just be that kooky coach in Kansas City that won’t get with the program and wear hoodies with cut off sleeves or sweater vests with team logos.

HSSKC:  That’s a great point.  Everybody feels better when they are part of something that is bigger than themselves.

AR:  ABSOLUTELY!  It’s what gives life purpose!  When I wear a Hawaiian Shirt it’s not just a function of needing to cover my bare chest when I go outside.  I’m saying something.  I’m saying “Life is too short to live like you don’t care about the tropics and there are millions of people who agree with me”!

HSSKC:  Wow!  That’s profound Coach Reid.   Let’s switch gears a little and talk about the 2020 draft.  That must have been a very stressful day being online where millions of fans can see you and so many decisions to make.  How did you decide on a cocktail to drink while drafting and what was it?

AR:  Well Fez, you’re right.  It’s not easy, but that’s why I make the big kala (Hawaiian word for money).  When I’m in the thick of it there is nothing I like more than a Cherry Bonzai served in plastic Chiefs cup.  Sure, I’m not opposed to tiki mugs or rocks glasses, but when you have to lift that cup hundreds of times over several days it can get tiring.  I don’t want to have to think about fatigue or pulling something.  Keep it simple when you are in the draft room and then, when it’s over, go to your favorite tiki bar and wrap your hands around a legitimate drinking vessel.  BTW … I can’t wait for Tiki Cat to open up again after this pandemic is over.  They make the best Mai Tais!

HSSKC:  Wise words Coach Reid.  Well, I want to be respectful of your time so I won’t keep you any longer.  Let me just say one last thing.  I know you go by the moniker of “Big Red” but here in the Society we prefer the Hawaiian version, so let me just say … Thank you Nui Ula’Ula and good luck next year!

AR:  Thank you Fez, It’s been
a pleasure.  I’m proud to represent the HSSKC every day!

Wow!  That was great interview!  I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did.  This may go without saying, but how can we have any other drink than Nui Ula’Ula’s favorite, Cherry Bonzai .