HSSKC: Birds Of A Feather

When you’re in Kuala Lampur in 1978 you expect to run into one or two BACARDI Agents (Bad Apples Continuously Arranging Ruthless Deadly Intentions, if you don’t remember what it stands for). But you know you are in for a bad day when they are joined by their affiliate gang of thugs … AND COKE (Agents Needing Destruction Can Only Kill Everything).

You see, I had been asked by the head bartender at the Kuala Lampur Hilton’s Aviary Bar to find the perfect drinking vessel for their newest cocktail, The Jungle Bird.  That means I had to trek into the dankest, seediest part of Kuala Lampur in order to find the world renowned tiki mug maker known as Van Tiki.  The Petaling Street flea market was just a couple of blocks away but before I could get there I was intercepted by 3 agents of the worst sort … 1 BACARDI and 2 AND COKE’s.  Everybody knows that when you put BACARDI, AND COKE together you can expect bad things to happen.  The BACARDI agent motioned for the AND COKES to get me and it was on.  This fight lasted a long time and by the time it was over I had definitely had way more BACARDI AND COKE than anyone would want.  Fortunately I was able to put them aside and continue to Van Tiki’s shop.

He knew exactly what I needed for this operation to be a success and sent me back to the Aviary Bar with the ideal drinking vessel for this new concoction!