HSSKC: Sending Out An SOS

Being lost at Sea is bad but being lost at sea, followed by stranded on a desert island is even worse! Let me paint the picture.  It was 1970 something and I had just finished eliminating an infiltration of A.N.D. C.O.K.E. agents that were posing as crew on the Pacific Princess.  This Boat had quite the reputation for being a place where love could flourish.  Obviously if you are a member of “Agents Needing Destruction Can Only Kill Everything” you want to stop love anywhere and everywhere possible.  Their clever plan was to introduce inferior quality cocktails into all of the bars and lounges until everybody on board was so upset that love would have no place on the boat.  Let’s just say that I managed to thwart their plans and had enough time to catch the lounge act finishing up his set.

The singer was a young self-assured lad named Gordon Sumner and after his set we took to chatting up on deck about his life and what had brought him to this place.  He said he was a teacher from the British Isles on holiday and he liked his job well enough but hoped to put a band together, or if that didn’t work maybe join the police.  I was enthralled with his story … so much so that I didn’t notice the ship’s purser following a little too closely.  You see, he was an AND COKE agent and he was pretty upset that his entire crew had been sent to sea.  I think he wanted to give me a little of what I had done to them and as Gordon & I were passing a life raft he charged out of the darkness, knocked us both in the boat, and he launched us into the ocean!

I can tell you it’s pretty disheartening watching your Cruise Ship disappear past the dark horizon.  There is also a certain amount of despair when you are bobbing around in a tiny boat with an English teacher whom you had just met … but coming ashore on a desert island that is hundreds of miles from the nearest shipping lane and no rum anywhere to be seen …. That is too much to take!

Luckily I was equipped with one of my agencies latest gadgets designed to get us out of situations just like this.  It was a homing bottle given to my by Don Q before I left on the mission.  All I had to do was send out my SOS as a Message In A Bottle, throw it out to sea and wait for help to arrive.  In no time at all, the Royal Navy arrived and helped us escape from this god forsaken spirit free stretch of tropical sand.   As Gordon and I parted ways he said this whole adventure really inspired him to follow his dreams so he changed his name to Sting and wrote a song about our rescue.  I think it became a pretty big hit and you know what else?  Gordon was able to fulfil both dreams because his band was named The Police!  Even better, I had a great idea for a new cocktail!